
Local Sight Seeing

So, now that the weather is getting nice outside, I’ve been doing some sight seeing in my new home state of Pennsylvania.  A couple of weeks ago, kind of in a sudden decision, me and a friend drove to Harrisburg to check out the state capitol, which I had heard was pretty nice.  We drove the half hour to Harrisburg and found the beautiful Capitol Building!




We walked up all of the stairs and found the doors open! It had also happened that a tour had just started of the inside of the building so we caught up and tagged along with a bunch of middle schoolers.

The Rotunda Staircase

Inside the Doome

Some of the Paintings Immediately Below the Dome

Paintings in the Senate Room

Wall and Arches in the House Room

The State Supreme Court Room

Nifty Painting in the Supreme Court Room… it contains three words…. can you find them all?

This is seriously one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve ever been in! All photos above were taken with my iPhone.

Earlier in the spring, I went with some new friends to do a bus tour of Washington DC, which is about 2 hours south of where I live. We mostly rode around the bus tour, but I found lots of things that I’d love to go back and visit. The one thing that we did get off the bus to see was the Lincoln Memorial! Spectacular!!!



The rest of the pics are taken from the top of a double decker bus….






These are just a few of the hundreds of pictures I took…. I’d love to go back and visit the Jefferson Memorial (and every other presidential memorial), the Hall of Records (Where Declaration and Constitution are), and the Martin Luther King Memorial. I’d also like to start visiting the Smithsonian Museums… all of which are free to the public. I think I’m going to need several trips to see it all!

I have done some stitching recently, but I’ll save those pictures for a future post.  🙂